Prisma: A Short Love Story

Explore my journey with Prisma, a powerful ORM tool. From setup to schema configuration, and the challenges I faced with testing, this blog post covers it all. Find out why I had to part ways with Prisma, and share your ORM stories. Dive into 'Prisma: A Short Love Story' now!

Introduction to Prisma
Like any blossoming relationship, my journey with Prisma started with a lot of excitement. Prisma’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool boasts a declarative schema that is not only easy to read but also simplifies database management with its built-in migration tools. The API is delightful, and the included studio lets you explore the database graphically, which is perfect for those necessary touch-ups or checks.

Setting Up Prisma
To get started with Prisma, you first need to set up your environment. Here's a basic example of how to configure Prisma in your project:

// Install Prisma CLI
npm install @prisma/cli --save-dev

// Create a Prisma schema file
npx prisma init

This command sets up your prisma directory and schema file, which you can modify to define your database models.

Advantages of Using Prisma
The setup experience with Prisma was straightforward and swift. I was up and running in no time, appreciating how smoothly everything was going. The built-in features promised a lot of ease and efficiency, making it a joy to integrate into my projects.

// Example of a Prisma schema
model User {
  id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  name  String
  posts Post[]

This schema snippet shows how intuitive and readable the Prisma configuration can be, making database management straightforward.

Decision Against GraphQL Integration
Prisma offers a direct connection to GraphQL, which I initially found appealing. However, I decided against using it because it introduced a version-dependent dependency between two major libraries: GraphQL and Prisma. Managing these dependencies to keep them in sync proved more complex than beneficial, leading me to opt for more flexibility in my tech stack.

Challenges with Testing
Our relationship hit a rocky patch when it came to testing. I am keen on running tests against an in-memory database like SQLite for quick and simple test cases. Unfortunately, Prisma and I had different views on this. While it's possible to workaround this by using a repository pattern and hiding database calls behind a façade, I prefer having numerous small test cases to verify my data access as the system grows. This ensures that as I develop a Next.js app, where the server logic resides in the API route handler, each component remains independently testable, reducing the risk of unwanted coupling.

// Setting up a test with Prisma and SQLite
const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client');
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
  datasources: { db: { url: 'file:./dev.db' } }

async function main() {
  const allUsers = await prisma.user.findMany();

  .catch(e => {
    throw e
  .finally(async () => {
    await prisma.$disconnect()

This example demonstrates setting up a basic Prisma client for testing with SQLite, highlighting the ease of integrating Prisma into your testing framework.

Conclusion and Future Considerations
In the end, we had to part ways. The need for behaviour based testing was a dealbreaker for me, although I still hold Prisma in high regard for other types of projects. Moving forward, I’ll be exploring other ORMs that might offer more flexibility in testing environments, while keeping the door open for Prisma in future projects where extensive testing is less critical.

Final Thoughts
What has your experience been with Prisma or other ORMs? Have you ever had to 'break up' with a technology because it didn't meet all your needs? Share your stories and tips in the comments below!